Flute Fantasies

Welcome to the life of a overworked music education major!

Monday, November 27, 2006

What are you passionate about?

that's the question Dr. Mattern asked me today in my flute lesson. hmmm, i honestly had to think about this one. I mean i like a lot of things but passion involves more than just a liking for something. For example, i like pumpkin spice lattes from starbucks but i'm certainly not passionate about them, as in my life wouldn't end right now if Starbucks decided for whatever reason that they would no longer produce pumpkin spice lattes. the reason Dr. Mattern had asked me the original question was to see if i could play the slow mov't of Gaubert's Nocturne et Allegro Scherzando with passion (it is a French Impressionist piece after all). Through this flute lesson God was showing me that i'm not nearly as passionate as i should be about living for Him. I've been so wrapped up in my life that i've forgotten that it doesn't belong to me. I've been trying to work hard in my classes to get A's and impress my teachers..but it's been all for selfish reasons. I keep deceiving myself that God is somehow pleased with my self-righteous attempts to appear strong on the outside. so yeah, today was definately God reminding me that I have been bought with a price and need to glorify God with my body. It actually takes a ton weight off my shoulders, although it's not an excuse to slack off. ( :
Well, we're down to the home stretch...only two more weeks of classes and then the much anticipated final exam week! This week i'll be chained to my laptop writing my book report on George Bizet (for those of you uncultured people--the guy who wrote the opera Carmen). Also, this week we start rehearsals for Madame Butterfly (the opera Ball State is putting on in February). This will be my first time playing in pit orchestra so i'm super excited!
Time to get back to writing my lesson plan for microteaching in brass tech tomorrow...
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break got to eat some yummy turkey!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Yay Christmas songs!

Your Christmas Song Is

All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth

Gee, if I could only
Have my two front teeth,
Then I could wish you
"Merry Christmas."

At Christmas, you are a happy soul who's easy to please.
You're biggest concern is making those around you smile.

no big surprise!

Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence

Every part of your life has a beat, and you're often tapping your fingers or toes.
You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time.
You are probably a gifted musician of some sort - even if you haven't realized it.
Also a music lover, you tend to appreciate artists of all kinds.

You would make a great musician, disc jockey, singer, or composer.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Emily and I went to go see Bowfire tonight at Emens and it was amazing! I knew it was going to be good, but it was at least 10x's better than i was expecting! For those of you who don't know what Bowfire is, it's a group of string players (mainly violinists) plus a pianist and a percussionist who perform all sorts of music, most of which is highly virtuostic. Oh, and the best part was that not only did they play their instruments like no one else's bussiness, they also danced (like irish dancing) and sang! So the $5 that we paid to get in was totally worth it to see this spectacular show! I recommend it to anyone that has an opportunity to see it in the future!
Well, this past week has been interesting...filled with ups and downs. I'll spare the details and just hit some highlights and lowlights...hmmm, how to go about this...I know! I'll make a list b/c i love lists!
Lowlights first:
1. lost my celly y-day..but i found it today!!!! thank you Jesus!
2. had hardly any time to practice piano and wasn't ready for my lesson on Wed. of course, it doesn't help that i choose vocalise by Rachmaninov (sp?) which has an insane amount of accidentals!
3. got a letter in the mail saying that i had a "records hold" and wouldn't be allowed to register for spring classes unless they were resolved by Wednessday.
4. not spending as much time in prayer as i need to...
5. worrying about plans about where to live next year instead of seeking God's wisdom

1. BOWFIRE!!! enough said!
2. some other good concerts (trombone choir on Monday night and Musical Arts Quintet last night)
3. saw the Prestige..actually that was last weekend, but it was really good
4. we read through some Christmas music in flute choir and handbells! I cannot wait till Christmas!
5. I'm only playing one piece for the upcoming orchestra concert, so that means i have alot more "free" time..and by "free" time i mean time to do Macgamut and Music history reading!
6. God is showing me that His plans are soooooo much better than my plans!
7. The best is yet to come...tomorrow emily and i are making guacamole b/c we both love it so much! we're going to have a fiesta in our room and watch a movie. then we're going to make an avacado hair treatment b/c it's fun!
8. Sunday we're going to hopefully go to church w/Abby, Ty, and Trent b/c we're still trying to find a good church here in Muncie!

i think that covers most of the important stuff...
Only 11 days until Thanksgiving break!!!! pavo, pavo, pavo...
I can't wait to see my awesome cousins in Michigan!!!!
Nish, i'm very sad that you won't be able to join us this year ) : i promise i'll call you this weekend sometime!