Flute Fantasies

Welcome to the life of a overworked music education major!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Ouch #1: My fingers are throbbing right now b/c i practiced an hour of guitar yesterday and half an hour today. I think i might finally be getting some callouses (sp?). It is alot of fun to play guitar but it's hard for me to press so hard to so long. When i'm not practicing guitar i'm practicing flute, piano, or picc., so there's no rest for the fingers. even now...i'm typing... anyways, ouch #2 for the week: on tuesday we played "sharks and minnows" in fitness swimming. I was all excited at first b/c it meant we wouldn't be swimming for long distances. However, soon after the game began i realized that it was much more difficult than i'd first imagined. I couldn't decide whether it was better to be a minnow and have to swim under water the length of the pool multiple times, or be the shark and try to tag people by diving under water and pulling them to the surface while at the same time avoid being kicked in the face. (wow, that was a long sentence). Yesterday, when i woke up in the morning i was really sore...and then i noticed a huge bruise on my right arm. then in my flute lesson, Dr. Mattern was like "you're really tight today, you need to relax your elbows and shoulders more. " ouch #3: yesterday in wind ensemble we played a piece called "Lauds" by Ron Nelson. It's a cool piece but the flute and clarinet parts are about two octaves too high. The flutes play a high c-a trill (yeah, i didn't even know that existed) and the clarinets are so high it is ear piercing! It's been a great week though. I got to see my family on Sunday at the wind ensemble concert. they also came to church to see the handbells! I've also enjoyed watching some of the oylmpic games...mainly ice skating! Spring break is in ocho dias! I'm going to L.A. (Lafayette Area) and will probably be looking for a summer job and just hanging out with friends and family. can't wait!!! this psalm is one of my favorites and has been an encouragement to me this week:
Psalm 146:3-6
"Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. His spirit departs, he returns to the earth: In that very day his thoughts perish. How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. Whose hope is in the Lord his God, who made hearven and earth..."

Thursday, February 09, 2006

good times!

Yeah! tomorrow is Friday!!!! I love Fridays!!!! tomorrow would be so much nicer if i didn't have two big exams (theory and edpsy) but i have movie night to look forward to! right now i'm actually taking a break from studying for the edpsy exam...my head is crammed full of child development terminology such as "psychosocial, cognitive, and physical development." anyways, life is good right now. Wednessday was awesome b/c a bunch of Harrison band people came to wind ensemble! I was esp. excited to see Ashley Crussel and Addie Bush! I miss the good old days playing with the Wabash Valley Youth Symphony. Last weekend was great fun! We were at Noyer eating lunch when Amanda randomly suggested that we start a "rock band." so we decided to go to Target and buy a bunch of fun stuff like fake eyelashes, temporary hair color (color pulse by L'oreal), and pink fish nets. We took alot of pics in the study lounge and named our band Superior Freaks! We even started a facebook group and it currently has 16 members! haha! Nicole is the bass player, Amanda is the drummer, I'm and lead guitar and vocals, and Emily is the key boardist/vocals. How ironic that i only know like 3 chordes on the guitar right now! Joy and Vanessa's flute recital was on Tuesday. They both did an excellent job, and i loved their dresses! My favorite piece on the program was the duet by Doppler! Well...i need to get back to studying...have a great weekend ya'll!

Friday, February 03, 2006


How come i have sooooo much stuff and yet i'm still discontent? Recently i've been struggling with contentment. It's really easy to act content and happy on the outside but in my heart i want more. anyways, last night at Cru i realized that i've been trying to find my joy in relationships with people. Of course there's nothing wrong with relationships...but when others come before God, life is no longer pleasant. So often i try to please people and make myself look good in their eyes. So i decided to think of at least three things that i'm thankful for and write them down each night. this is actually an idea i got from Dr. Mattern (my flute prof), who encourages us to think positively about our playing and not just analyzing it critically.
In reality i find that i am so blessed and God could allow everything i have to be taken away if He wanted. I'm super glad it's Friday! We (Nicole, Amanda, Emily and I) are going to see Diva tonight. they're an all female jazz orchestra from NYC and Dr. Scagnoli gave us free tickets in Wind Ensemble! yay!! Talking about Wind Ens., we have our first concert on Feb. 19 (sunday) at 3pm. It's going to be amazing! We're playing a bunch of really cool pieces like Heroes, Lost and Fallen and The Carnival of Venice where the soloist (a euphonium player) is fantastic...he does a lot of triple tonguing thoughout almost the whole piece. there are also a bunch of flute recitals coming up....joy's is on tuesday at 5:30pm, I can't wait!!!!
Well....it's time to go to dinner! Happy Friday ya'll!