CAUMC is scary at night!
Oh my goodness! Tonight was quite the adventure! Okay, so today was a normal Monday...really busy! I had classes solid until after marching band which ended at 5pm. From there i went to flute studio which lasted an hour and then I went to dinner with Joy Walsh (a really nice flutist!). After dinner we were planning to take a bus to CAUMC (College Avenue United Methodist Church) to practice for flute choir which Joy is just starting since there are a bunch of us that play the flute and thought it would be fun! So while we were waiting for the bus to pick us up, we saw tons of lightening and it was super windy too, kinda scary. When we got to the church it started raining and thundering. We went to the auditorium for rehearsal but it was totally creepy b/c the lights weren't on and all the hallways were dark. We were freaked out! Also, the main door kept opening on its own and we heard a bunch of ominous sounds! So we finally ended up practicing in a different room and got the lights to work. fun night! this week is going to be awesome b/c the marching band has two trips. The first one, on Wed, is a Parade an hour north, and the second is the Colt's game on Sunday! i think i actually enjoy football games now!
Now the highlight of my night...practice singing major and minor scales for sightear tomorrow!
Now the highlight of my night...practice singing major and minor scales for sightear tomorrow!
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